
Safe boundaries – learn to express your needs assertively


The „Safe Boundaries – learn to express your needs assertively” package is support for people who want to learn to assertively express their needs and set healthy boundaries in various relationships. We will show you how to effectively communicate your expectations, respect the boundaries of others and maintain balance in your personal and professional life. Thanks to this, you will gain self-confidence, improve the quality of your relationships and learn to protect your emotional space.

Duration: 5 meetings (5x50min).

Who is the package for: for people who want to learn how to set healthy boundaries in their personal and professional lives and assertively express their needs.

Pierwotna cena wynosiła: 1500,00 zł.Aktualna cena wynosi: 1350,00 zł.

Po zakupie skontaktujemy się z Tobą telefonicznie w ciągu dwóch dni roboczych, aby ustalić termin spotkania.

Pakiety promocyjne są ważne przez 6 miesięcy od dnia zakupu.

What’s included in the package:

  • 5 meetings (5×50 min) with a psychologist (online or stationary in the center of Wrocław), during which we work on recognizing and setting healthy boundaries,
  • tailoring the strategy to your needs to effectively communicate your expectations and respect the boundaries of others,
  • tools and techniques that help you express your needs assertively and deal with difficult situations,
  • practical exercises and tasks that will help you maintain a healthy balance in your relationships and everyday life.

What the meetings look like:
Each meeting is individually tailored to your needs and current challenges. We will focus on developing effective ways of communicating your boundaries and overcoming difficulties in expressing your needs.

Most frequently discussed topics:

  • assertiveness in relationships – how to express your needs clearly and in a way that respects the needs of others,
  • recognizing your own boundaries – how to notice moments when your boundaries are violated and how to react,
  • dealing with guilt and anxiety – how to overcome the fear of rejection or hurting others in the context of setting boundaries,
  • balance in relationships – how to maintain a healthy emotional space while taking care of relationships with others,
  • practical communication techniques – how to effectively say „no” and set boundaries in various life situations.

What you can get with the package:

  • you will learn how to say no assertively in situations where you feel you don’t want or can’t agree, even if you have difficulty saying no,
  • you will learn how to say no assertively in situations where you feel you do not want or cannot agree, even if you have difficulty saying no,
  • you will learn to express your needs, emotions, thoughts and share your opinion in a way that will respect your boundaries and the needs of others,
  • you will increase your self-confidence, improve communication and learn how to effectively set boundaries in various life situations.

Important information: after completing the package, it is possible to continue meetings in the form of coaching, which will help you maintain healthy boundaries and systematically take care of yourself in your everyday life.

Dlaczego warto nam zaufać?

8 000+


150 000+




Specjaliści w pakiecie:

Psycholog / Psychodietetyk

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